The Office of the Provost, through the associate provost for academic operations, accreditation, and assessment, is leading a review of course caps, waitlists, and room assignments to determine if any existing practices are barriers to student retention and timely graduation. A committee consisting of the associate deans along with one faculty member from each college will conduct the study.
Input from faculty regarding existing practices, recommendations, and areas the committee should review is welcomed. If you have ideas on what the committee should review, questions about the process, or recommendations about practices, please contact Steve Raper or David Westenberg or fill out the form below.
The form will remain open throughout the process, which is anticipated to continue through the spring 2025 semester. Updates to the review will be emailed to faculty.
The committee and anticipated meeting dates will be announced via email and on this page. Should any barriers be identified, potential solutions will be explored and vetted through Faculty Senate meetings.