Program Assessment and Periodic Review (PAPR)

Program assessments as outlined in the Collected Rules and Regulations 20.035 occur periodically to improve the quality of educational opportunities in student learning, research, scholarship, creativity, and service in the academic unit. These assessments are required for accreditation through the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) and involve an external review process typically occurring every five years. 


Program assessments and periodic reviews (PAPR) provide evidence-based qualitative and quantitative documentation for evaluating Missouri S&T academic programs. They aim to:

  • Assess the quality, productivity, and viability of programs. 
  • Inspire strategically aligned growth, improvement, or adjustments based on review. 

General Requirements

The PAPR process includes the following steps: 

  1. Planning Meeting: Initiated by the Provost Office in coordination with the college deans.
  2. Selection of External Review Team: Confirming visit dates and forming the review team or committee. 
  3. Self-Study Preparation: Conducted by program faculty. 
  4. Review Process:
    • Review of the self-study.
    • In-person or remote visit review. 
    • Exit meeting* and written report findings by the external review team.
  5. Response/Commentary: Prepared by the program chair addressing the external review report. 
  6. Comprehensive Response Report: Developed by the college and program, outlining actions based on the review, and submitted to the Provost Office. 
  7. Annual Progress Summary: Prepared by the program and submitted to the college and Provost Office. 

*Initial meeting/briefing and exit meeting should include the Program Head, College Dean, Provost Office representative, and others as appropriate (e.g., Associate Deans). 


  • Provost Office: Ensures comprehensive program reviews are scheduled and conducted regularly, and reports results to internal and external constituents as required.
  • Associate Provost for Academic Operations, Accreditation, and Assessment (APAOAA): Oversees the scheduling and conducting of program reviews. 

A complete PAPR cycle takes approximately one academic year, beginning in the fall semester as per the posted program review schedule. Programs are informed of their review schedules in the spring semester prior to their scheduled review. 

Process Details

  1.  Planning Meeting: 
    • Initiated by the APAOAA.
    • Includes the Vice Provost and Dean (VPD) of the college, program chairs scheduled for review, and other necessary personnel (e.g., Institutional Research).
    • Discusses review process, data needs, timelines, communication needs, and set expectations. 
  2.  External Reviewers Identification:
    • The college and program provide names and contact information of 4 - 8 potential external reviewers to the Provost Office for final selection. 
    • Coordinates review visit dates between all parties involved. 
  3.  Self-Study Preparation:
    • The program under review is primarily responsible. 
    • Must meet the basic template requirements provided by the Provost Office, but can be adapted for specific program focuses. 
    • Requires broad input from faculty, staff, and students. 
    • Final approval by VPD and the Provost Office. 
  4.  External Review Process:
    • Involves a review of the self-study and local/virtual visit by the review team. 
    • The program under review handles scheduling activities at program and college levels, with coordination assistance from the Provost Office. 
  5.  Post-Review Report and Response:
    • The external review team submits the final report. 
    • Program and VPD prepare a written response to correct any factual errors or inconsistencies. 
  6.  Response Report Preparation:
    • Addresses findings and suggestions from the external review. 
    • Focuses on actionable efforts to improve quality, productivity, and viability of the program.
    • Submitted to the Provost Office for distribution. 
  7.  Annual Progress Reports:
    • Prepared by the program and approved by the VPD.
    • Submitted to the Provost Office. 
    • Address areas identified in the summary response report and any substantive changes since the PAPR. 


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