Determining Faculty Qualifications

Guidelines for Missouri University of Science & Technology

These guidelines document the process used to determine the qualifications of faculty at Missouri S&T. Departments must verify that all faculty members, regardless of title and rank, are qualified to teach their assigned courses. This includes full-time, part-time, adjunct, dual credit, temporary, non-tenure track, graduate assistants, and other instructors as specified by the Higher Learning Commission’s Institutional Policies and Procedures for Determining Faculty Qualifications Guidelines.


The Higher Learning Commission (HLC) expects faculty to have the appropriate qualification and expertise for the course they teach. According to HLC’s Determining Qualified Faculty through HLC’s Criteria for Accreditation and Assumed Practices (section B.2.a.), faculty can be deemed qualified through:

    1.  Achievement of academic credentials,
    2.  Progress towards academic credentials, 
    3.  Equivalent experience, or
    4.  Some combination there of. 


There are three possible methods to verify faculty are qualified. The most common method of determining (minimally) qualified faculty is by reviewing their credentials.

  1. Academic Credential
    • Faculty must possess an academic degree relevant to what they are teaching and at least one level above the level they are teaching, expect in the case of terminal degrees.
    • During Faculty Search Process:
      • The search committee and/or department faculty review the applicants’ credentials.
      • Applications of individuals without appropriate credentials are not considered further unless they meet the conditions of method 2 or 3.
    • For Part-Time Faculty:
      • Only individuals with appropriate credentials or those meeting the conditions in methods 2 or 3 are considered.
    • Course Assignments:
      • Only individuals with appropriate credentials or those meeting the conditions in methods 2 or 3 are assigned to teach various courses.
  1. Progress Toward Academic Credentials:
    • Faculty who are progressing toward academic credentials relevant to their teaching assignments can be considered.
    • During the Faculty Search Process:
      • The search committee may consider applicants with progress toward the required discipline if specified in the job ad.
      • Applications of individuals without progress toward relevant credentials are not considered further unless they meet the conditions of method 3.
    • For Part-Time Faulty:
      • Only individuals progressing toward academic credentials or meeting the conditions in method 3 are considered.
    • Course Assignments:
      • Faculty are not assigned courses unless they have made adequate progress toward relevant academic credentials or meet the conditions in method 3.
  1. Equivalent Experience
    • Faculty may have experience to the credentials earned in a degree program, determined by approved policies and procedures.
    • Equivalent experience may include:
      • A minimum threshold of work experience
      • Research and/or scholarship.
      • Recognized achievement
      • Other relevant activities and factors
    • Minimum Threshold of Equivalent Experience
      • For Master’s Level Teaching: Five or more years of minimally supervised or independent work in the discipline.
      • For Doctoral Level Teaching: Ten or more years of independent or supervisory-level work in the discipline.
    • System of Evaluation:
      • During the Faculty Search Process:
        • Applications are reviewed for equivalent experience if credentials do not meet requirements.
        • Only individuals with appropriate equivalent experience are considered further.
      • For Part-Time Faculty:
        • Only individuals with appropriate equivalent experience are considered.
      • Course Assignments:
        • Faculty without appropriate credentials are assigned to courses only if they have equivalent experience.

Special Considerations

  • Interdisciplinary or Cross-Listed Courses
    • Hiring decisions should be supported by policy and procedure ensuring faculty qualifications are acceptable to HLC peer reviewers.
  • Graduate Students:
    • Justifications for assigning courses to graduate students without equivalent experience must be supported by policy and procedure and acceptable to HLC peer reviewers.

Departmental Responsibilities

Departments hiring faculty based on equivalent experience (method 3) should develop written policies for determining minimum thresholds and evaluation methods for equivalent experience.